Welcome from the President of ACSD
Welcome to the online home of ACSD–a place for you to explore the ways we encourage personal and professional growth among student development colleagues. When I think about ACSD, my mind immediately goes to spiritual encouragement, professional development, models for integrating faith with student life work, and friendship. For 20 years, this organization has been integral to my student development journey. The Executive Committee and I count it a privilege to serve you, our members, by building upon the legacy that has been handed to us and by continuing to improve this organization that equips us to serve students well.
Grace and peace,
Steve Ivester, ACSD President
Dean of Student Engagement, Wheaton College

The mission of the Association for Christians in Student Development is to equip and challenge members to infuse their Christian faith into student development practice and scholarship.
ACSD will produce and deliver relevant resources that significantly impact our diverse membership.
We embrace the dynamic interplay of Biblical truth, wisdom and Christian faith as the foundation for professional and spiritual growth in Student Affairs.
We aspire to be a culture of reflection and curiosity that informs scholarship and practice.
We strive to create a quality and distinction in what we say and do within the field of Student Affairs.
We seek to be analytical, quantitative, creative, and collaborative in discovering new and alternate ways of knowing and practice.
We desire to be a Christ-centered and unified community that engages effectively in difficult dialogue and fosters respect for cultural differences.
We value participating and investing in a supportive, challenging, and purposeful community.
Doctrinal Statement
We believe there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe the Bible to be inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious death and atonement through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal, visible return in power and glory.
We believe man and woman created in the image of God, that they were tempted by Satan and fell, and that, because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary for salvation.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life, and by whom the church is empowered to carry out Christ’s great commission.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those who are saved unto the resurrection of life, and those who are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
Constitution and By-Laws
Download a copy of our current constitution.

Formation of the Association of Christians
in Student Development
In 1955, two Christian deans of women at a Rhode Island college initiated and invited deans of women from other institutions to come to a three day gathering for shared counsel and fellowship. This group met in March 1955 on the campus of Providence-Barrington Bible College, Rhode Island. In 1956 they met again at Columbia Bible College in South Carolina. During this second meeting they established the structure of a new organization, selected executive officers and chose the name “Christian Association of Deans of Women” or CADW.
Parallel to this, in 1955, deans of men who were part of the National Association of Deans and Advisors of Men began to gather at Moody Bible College in Chicago. In 1957, they decided to formalize their meetings and created the Association of Christian Deans and Advisors of Men (ACDAM) with a purpose of not only encouragement and fellowship, but a desire to examine topics pertinent to student affairs from a Christian perspective.
In early 1977, Gene Hovee, the president of the ACDAM, wrote to the leadership of the CADW. He posed the exploratory and unofficial question about whether there would be any interest or benefit in merging the two organizations. The CADW leadership politely declined the invitation, but were willing to continue discussing this possibility at a future date.
A year later, in June 1978, while Hovee presided over the annual business meeting of the ACDAM, the relationship with the CADW arose once again. Six men were appointed by the association to study the matter of their relationship with the CADW. In anticipating that a formal organizational relationship might occur in the future, the ACDAM leadership sought to begin eliminating gender specific terminology from their literature and business documents. The executive authorized changing their terminology to more gender neutral language, specifically within their constitution and by-laws. Interestingly, in spite of a growing desire for cooperation, the CADW voted in a parallel meeting to remain organizationally autonomous.
In June of 1979, the ACDAM voted to change its name to the gender neutral Christian Association for Student Affairs (CASA). In November of that year, the leadership of CASA was joined by the executive leadership of CADW. Discussion about the possible merger continued with the suggestion that a sample constitution and by-laws be created for the executive committee of each organization to consider.
In February 1980, Miriam Uphouse, president of CADW, wrote to all of the organization’s members. She outlined the numerous practical benefits of a possible merger with CASA as well as a history of the dialogue about this issue. The CADW then polled their membership asking what they desired with regards to a merger with CASA. At CASA and CADW’s annual June meeting, both groups passed motions to dissolve their organizations, and form a new one together.
On June 5, 1980, the Association for Christians in Student Development was birthed. In response to the original concerns about numbers, power and representation, two presidents were proposed (one from each of the past organizations) for the initial “transition” year. Thus Don Boender (formerly of CASA) and Miriam Uphouse (formerly of CADW) served as joint presidents of ACSD for this first year of the association.
Article written by David M. Johnstone, George Fox University

ACSD Leadership Teams
Leadership Teams keep ACSD actively serving our members! An Executive Committee Member gives oversight to each Team. The Team Chair works with team members to bring value to members within our organization. Below you will find each teams purpose statement and can meet team members of our existing teams. Team size, appointment and length of service varies. If you have questions about a Leadership team, please contact the appropriate Team Chair. If you are interested in serving within ACSD, please visit the Participate tab on our site to discover opportunities.
Collaboratives team

Eric Fehr
Grove City College
Team Chair

Jose Brown
Belmont University
Spiritual Formation

Thomas Biro
Grove City College
Spiritual Formation

Sheldon Farrington
Liberty University
Commuter Services

Spencer Epp
Trinity Western University
Commuter Services

Joseph Ruiz
Liberty University
Student Conduct & Behavioral Intervention

Mandie McCreadie
Grove City College
Student Conduct & Behavioral Intervention

Larissa Lilly
Northwest University
Housing & Residence Life

Kyle Smith
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Housing & Residence Life

Stanley Severo Duncan
Hope College

Dr. Sanfrenà Britt
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

Chris Gates
Lee University
Student Engagement & Leadership

Olivia Willsey
Crown College
Student Engagement & Leadership

Nii Abrahams
Butler University
FYE & Orientation

Madison Miyakawa
Westmont College
FYE & Orientation

Dr. Twyler Earl
Southern Nazarene University
Scholarship & Research

Dr. RiKo Ramos
Point Loma Nazarene University
Scholarship & Research

Jimmy Phillips
University of the Ozarks
New Professionals

Jenna Louise Palmer-Dyer
Trinity Western University
New Professionals

Rob Rostoni
John Brown University
Student Success Collaborative

Lee Waldron
Mid America Nazarene University
Student Success Collaborative

Comfort Olugbuyi
Florida Atlantic University
Non Faith-Based Institution Professionals

Kaleigh Richardson
Ball State University
Non Faith-Based Institution Professionals

Martha Swift
Crown College
Senior Student Development Officer

Mark Muha
Biola University
Senior Student Development Officer
Outreach & Engagement team
Purpose: The Outreach & Engagement team exists to provide vision and guidance in developing opportunities for ACSD members to interact around specific Collaborative topics.

Eric Fehr
Grove City College
Team Chair

Alex Schneider
Indiana Wesleyan University
In-Reach Coordinator

Ben Taylor
University of Northwestern-St. Paul
Outreach Coordinator

Sarah Stoffel
Newberry College
Social Media Coordinator
diversity team
Purpose: Supporting the mission and values of ACSD, the Diversity Leadership Team exists to inspire all members toward cultivating Christ-centered diversity and inclusion through celebrating all voices, advocating for empowerment, and equipping with engaging resources.

Yicaury Melo
Gordon College
Team Chair

Alexis-Simone Rivers
Elevate Program Coordinator

Jerry Woehr
Wheaton College

Stanley Severo Duncan
Hope College
Multicultural Collaborative Leader

Travis Trotman
Palm Beach Atlantic University

Charmaine Porter
Impact 360
business chair
Purpose: The Finance team exists to provide vision and guidance to the financial matters that concern or impact the association. This includes investment strategies, banking options, and fiscal policy.

Daniel Bennett
Montreat College
Team Chair
professional development team
Purpose: The professional development leadership team considers ideas for webinar or live conference topics and speakers. They assist with the marketing of the professional development opportunities. In addition, they help provide best practice advice to our current ACSD placement service. Finally, they provide historical context, current best practices and ideas for future ideas for the annual new professional and mid-level professional conferences. Periodic e-mails and “anytime meeting” phone calls. Each year, the team also meets the Monday afternoon before ACSD begins for brainstorming and planning about the needs of our members.

Tyrome Philson
Anderson University
Team Chair

Rebekah Loufik
Women’s Leadership Development Initiatives

Martha Smith
Huntington University
Mid Professionals Retreat

Comfort Olugbuyi
Florida Atlantic University
New Professionals Retreat
scholarship team
Purpose: The scholarship team considers ideas for advancing scholarship and learning resources and opportunities for the association. They help provide best practice advice to our current editors for the Growth Journal, Monograph Series, and ACSD Ideas online. In addition, they provide historical context, current best practices and ideas for future research projects, benchmarking data collection and reporting as well as capturing research collected from various graduate programs. The team will correspond via periodic e-mails and “anytime meeting” phone calls. Each year, the team will meet the Monday afternoon before ACSD begins for brainstorming and planning about the needs of our members.

Zach Mills
Johns Hopkins University
Team Chair

Alex Staup
Bryan College
Co-Editor of Ideas

Steve Villalobos
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Co-Editor of Ideas

Perry Glanzer
Baylor University

Steve Conn
LeTourneau University

Skip Trudeau
Taylor University
Growth Editor

Austin Smith
Baylor University
Co-editor of Growth

Jarad Russell
Lee University
Scholarships & Grants Coordinator

Jim Fereira
Anderson University

Angela D'Amour
Westmont College

Olga Dietlin
Wheaton College

Dr. RiKo Ramos
Point Loma Nazarene University
Scholarship & Research Collaborative Leader

Dr. Twyler Earl
Southern Nazarene University
Scholarship & Research Collaborative Leader

Mark Muha
Biola University
Podcast Host & Creator

Kara Martin
George Fox University
Podcast Host & Creator

Scott Busby
Liberty University
Webinar Coordinator

Kody Schneider
Azusa Pacific University
Webinar Coordinator

Cendall Murphy
Liberty University
Webinar Coordinator

Eli Stewart
Liberty University
Webinar Coordinator
Submit nominations by April 30th for review. Awards will be presented at the annual conference each summer.
Nominations should highlight the nominee’s professional career, accomplishments and contributions to the field of Student Development. Please nominate a deserving colleague and help us as an organization express our gratitude and affirm those individual who have provided distinguished service.
Lifetime of Faithfulness Award
The Lifetime of Faithfulness Award was established in 2003 to honor individuals whose careers have demonstrated significant contributions and faithfulness to bothACSD and the field of Student Development. While the award is often given to retirees, this is not a requirement for consideration. More than one award may be given in any given year.
2022 – Dr. Mark Comeaux
2021 – Tim Herman and David Guthrie
2020 – Jay Barnes
2019 – Joe Brockinton, Roger Wessel, and Rodney Sisco
2018 – Terry Franson, Steve Harris
2014 – Barry Loy
2013 – Jane Higa
2008 – Carol Harding, Sam Shellhamer, Wynn Lembright
2007 – Judy Moseman, Linda Cummins (granted posthumously)
2004 – Walt Campbell
Jane Higa Multicultural Advancement Award
The Jane Hideko Higa Multicultural Advancement Award was established in 2011 to annually recognize a professional for outstanding contributions toward increased understanding and promotion of multiculturalism in ACSD and the field of Student Development. All members, regardless of years of experience in the field, are eligible to receive this award.
2023 – Bruce Morgan
2022 – Meleca Consultado
2021 – Jerry Woehr
2019 – Kevin Villegas
2018 – Isis Martin
2017 – Jamica Nadina Love
2016 – Glen Kinoshita
2015 – Jesse Brown
2014 – Julie DeGraw
2013 – Joe Gonzales
2012 – Rodney Sisco
2011 – Jane Higa
Boender and Bamford Award
The Ruth Bamford Distinguished Service Award was established in 1996 by ACSD to annually recognize a professional with less than 15 years experience in the field who has made outstanding contributions to ACSD and the field of Student Development.
The Don L. Boender Service Award was established in 1996 by ACSD to annually recognize a professional with more than 10 years experience in the field who has made outstanding contributions to ACSD and the field of Student Development.
The Don L. Boender Award is for professionals with more than ten years of experience.
2023 – Mark Pothoff
2022 – Corey Ross
2021 – Tony Zappasodi
2019 – Robert Thompson
2018 – Mark Hyde
2017 – Kris Hansen-Kieffer
2016 – Paul Blezien
2015 – Steve Austin
2014 – Michael Lastoria
2013 – Brad Lau
2012 – Edee Schulze
2011 – Gina Rentschler
2010 – Tim Arens
2008 – Sharon Dzik/SteveBeers
2007 – Skip Trudeau
2006 – Denise Bakerink
2005 – Martha Smith
2004 – Judy Moseman
2003 – Norris Friesen
2002 – Sam Shellhamer
2001 – H.L. Baker/Robert Danner
2000 – Barry Loy
1999 – Walt Campbell
1998 – Jane Higa
1997 – Jay Barnes
1996 – Tim Herrman
The Ruth Bamford Award is for professionals with less than 15 years experience.
2023 – Tyrome Philson
2022 – Eric Fehr
2021 – Larissa Lilly
2019 – Julie Price Lee
2018 – Joe Wuest
2017 – Jonathan Yorkowitz
2016 – Lyndsay Grimm
2015 – Chris Confer
2014 – Steve Morley
2013 – Philip Byers
2012 – Amy Van Der Werf
2011 – Josh Arnold
2010 – Jesse Brown
2008 – Brent Ellis/David Johnstone
2007 – Kimberly Thornbury
2006 – Eric Lowdermilk
2005 – Andre Broquard
2004 – Jake Smith
2003 – Lori Holtman
2002 – Brad Bowser
2001 – David Tilley
2000 – Pam Jones
1999 – Damon Seacott
1998 – Mark Troyer
1997 – Alan Muia
1996 – Melissa Shermer