
ACSD provides a unique niche for student development professionals who want to integrate their Christian faith with their practice in the field of student affairs. Your membership in ACSD connects you to hundreds of people with experience, interest, and expertise in a variety of student life roles and from many higher education institutions at a low annual membership rate of $100 per individual.
Beginning in 2021, annual membership will be based upon the date of membership payment. After completing the membership form and payment, members will have an active membership for one year.
Membership Information
Membership is open to all persons involved or interested in the student development profession in institutions of higher education who subscribe to the doctrinal statement and meet the requirements outlined in the bylaws.
- We believe there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe the Bible to be inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious death and atonement through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal, visible return in power and glory.
We believe man and woman created in the image of God, that they were tempted by Satan and fell, and that, because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary for salvation.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life, and by whom the church is empowered to carry out Christ’s great commission.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those who are saved unto the resurrection of life, and those who are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
- Download a copy of our current Constitution and By-Laws.
Student development professionals from non-faith-based institutions are invited to join ACSD at no cost for a first time membership. Please contact for more information PRIOR to filling out the membership form.
Questions about membership in ACSD? Email us at
Membership & INvolvement
Fundamental to ACSD’s mission is to promote professional growth, to provide opportunities for Christian fellowship and to allow for the exchange of ideas. Engaging these priorities in ACSD involves more than attending our summer conference but also collaborative online discussions, writing and reading articles and research, and gaining access to relevant information in the field of college student development.
We encourage our members to get involved with ACSD throughout the entire year. Please explore opportunities through the links found on the left of this page and throughout our website to discover how to become more involved.

Membership FAQ
Beginning on February 1, 2021, annual membership runs from the date of purchase for one year.
Membership in ACSD is individual and follows you even if you change institutions mid year. If your membership / login is with an email you no longer have access to or your contact information changes, please attempt to update your profile by logging in. If you have any issues, please contact
An active Membership in ACSD will last for one year from the date of purchase. You will receive a reminder email prior to your membership expiration to the email address you use in your profile.
The ACSD membership fee is $100 per individual.
No. ACSD strives to maintain a low membership fee in general so that access to the organization will be accessible to all who are interested.
No. Membership in ACSD is individual, and benefits are accessed through a personal login and password.
This is not an available feature. Membership fees are paid with the submission of each individual membership form.
Yes. ACSD welcomes individuals who are pursuing a role or share an interest in the field of student development.
Yes. ACSD is eager to provide a place of encouragement, support, and professional development for Christians working in student development roles at public colleges and universities. Student development professionals from non-faith-based institutions are invited to join ACSD at no cost for a first time membership. Contact for more information PRIOR to filling out the membership form.
Once simple way to determine if you membership is current is to go to one of the member only pages. If you can view the member only content, your membership is current. One example is to click on “CAREERS” – if the only drop down menu item you see is “Job Board” and no other option, you are either not logged in or if logged in, not a current member.
If you are unsure about your membership status, please contact ACSD Membership at
Once the online membership form is submitted, a receipt including login and password information will be issued to the e-mail provided on the membership form.
Members must login to the ACSD website to access member only resources. Your log in will still work each year, but access to member only resources will only work if your membership is active/renewed each year. If you are not a current member or your membership has not been renewed, please visit the Membership page at and submit the online membership form. Login and password information will be sent to the email included on the form.
If you are a current member and unable to access the website with your login and password, please try the password reset feature or contact ACSD Membership (
Once the online membership form is submitted, a receipt will be issued to the e-mail provided on the membership payment page. If you use a different email to pay than what you registered with, check the email used for payment.
Members are added to the ACSD email list upon joining or renewing each year. If you unsubscribe, or you are not a member but want to be on the mailing list you can subscribe/resubscribe here.

ACSD Ideas is an online digest of articles, news and information written by ACSD members intended to help Christian college student development professionals to be imaginative and effective in their work so that they can make a bigger impact on their campuses and the needs of the wider world.
Growth is the official research journal of ACSD. This annual publication provides a forum for members to publish original research and gives members access to beneficial resource material intended to inform good practice.
The Career Center provides a members-only job search bulletin on our website and at the Annual Conference. Members can search for existing positions, submit a position opening at their institution, or post their resume for others to review. This is an excellent resource for employers who are looking to hire highly qualified Christian student affairs professionals, as well as for candidates seeking positions in higher education.
The Collaboratives are special interest groups in which members can connect with others with similar professional interests and experiences. Collaboratives provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas through the use of online discussion threads, publication opportunities, and face-to-face gatherings at the Annual Conference. Current Collaboratives include:
- Career Service Professionals
- Commuter Services
- First-Year Experience
- Housing and Residence Life
- Multicultural
- New Professionals
- Student Conduct and Behavioral Intervention
- Student Engagement and Leadership
- Student Success
- Scholarship
- Non-Faith Based Institution
- Spiritual Formation
Join us for a time of professional challenge, spiritual refreshment, fellowship, and fun. Keynote speakers will focus on Christian community from the individual, local, national, and global perspectives. Professional development workshops will focus on “best practices” in student affairs and the integration of Christian faith and the profession. Professional gatherings will provide opportunities to connect and network with others in your specific program area, such as Career Services, Counseling Services, Disability Services, Health & Wellness, Judicial Affairs, Orientation, Multicultural Affairs, Residence Life, Safety & Security, Student Activities, and Student Leadership.

ACSD hosts 3-5 national webinars per year on current student development topics. Registration to the live webinars (and access to recorded webinars) are available free of charge for all current ACSD members. For a link to webinar information, click here.
ACSD offers two retreats prior to the annual conference to benefit new professionals (annually) and those in mid-level positions (every other year). These are great professional development and networking opportunities that are sure to encourage two of the largest segments of our membership! Check out the following links to learn more about the New Professionals Retreat or the Mid-Level Professionals Retreat.
The Association for Christians in Student Development (ACSD) is an organization that is committed to scholarship and research that contributes to the field of student development, higher education, and the professional development of the membership. To encourage such endeavors the ACSD Executive committee has established a research grant program for use by the membership.
The Association for Christians in Student Development (ACSD) has funds available to sponsor efforts by initiatives by collaboratives or regional gatherings for purposes that directly connect with ACSD’s values.
ACSD Community is a new collaborative space for our membership! Connect with colleagues, subscribe to group forums, and enjoy all the benefits of an interactive student life community. Download the mobile app for easy access to ACSD Community on the go!
Checkout all of the different collaboratives you can join below.
- Housing and Residence Life
- Senior Student Development Officer
- New Professionals
- Non-Faith-Based Institution professional
- Spiritual formation professionals
- Scholarship & Research
Write for ACSD Ideas

An online digest of articles, ACSD Ideas aspires to help Christian college student development professionals to be imaginative and effective in their work so that they can make a bigger impact on their campuses and the needs of the wider world.
Feature articles, reviews, interviews, actionable advice, and other creative pieces will be subject to the guidelines (see below) that have been approved by the ACSD Executive Committee. The ACSD Ideas Editorial Team reserves the right to select the best combination of articles received for the ACSD Ideas website.
- be thought-provoking and useful for our ACSD membership;
- respect the readers intelligence and time;
- establish a credible source of authority, drawing on research or experience;
- be timely in nature;
- already have been through an initial editing process prior to submission.
- submitted in Microsoft Word;
- utilize APA style and documentation;
- consist of 600-900 words;
- tied to one of the seven themes (noted below);
- submitted to the ACSD Ideas general editor via the form below
- Current Issues—pertinent and pressing issues in our work with college students: e.g. current news, social justice, sexuality, emerging adulthood, drug and alcohol use, etc…
- Best Practices—innovative, effective and transferrable student development practices presented in an accessible and relevant way.
- Faith & Work—exploring the integration of faith and student development.
- Research & Reviews—reviews and summaries of current literature on higher education and student development.
- Resources & People—Interviews, clips, and other resources to equip and empower the ACSD membership
- ACSD Collaboratives—Professional specific content including but not limited to: Career Service Professionals, Commuter Services, First Year Experience, Housing and Residence Life, Multicultural, New Professionals, Student Conduct/Behavioral Intervention, Student Engagement and Leadership, Student Success, etc.
- Stories—Compelling narratives from the front lines of student development work.
Published bi-monthy.
To pitch an ACSD Ideas piece, include a summary describing the article idea, an approximate length, and expected date of completion.
Submit your article for ACSD IDEAS here. All articles will be edited for length, grammar, content, style, and tone. To pitch an idea, please contact

Write for Growth Journal
Growth is published during the spring each year and solicits manuscripts and or book reviews that fall within content areas that relate to purposes of the journal. Those content areas include Foundations, Leadership and Professional Development, Student Culture, Student Learning and Assessment, Spiritual Formation, Diversity and Global Engagement, and Book Reviews.
All articles should be consistent with the Doctrinal Statement, Article III of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association for Christians in Student Development. Material in the following categories will be considered for publication:
- Research articles that have relevance to the field of Christian Student Development.
- Theoretical or applied articles that have relevance to the field of Christian Student Development.
- Research, theoretical or applied articles dealing with the integration of faith and learning within the field of Christian Student Development or within the broader field of Christian Higher Education as a whole.
- Reviews of articles in other journals relevant to Christian Student Development.
- Reviews of books relevant to Christian Student Development practice.
- Reactions to current or past journal articles.
Submission Guidelines
Authors submitting a manuscript should:
- Follow the guidelines on format, style, and submission procedure provided in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
- Adhere to the following length parameters:
- 15-20 pages for original research articles
- 10-15 pages for applied research articles
- 3-4 pages for book and article reviews
- Avoid submitting manuscripts that have been previously published or that are being considered for publication in other journals. If an article has been rejected by another journal it may then be submitted to Growth.
- Submit completed manuscripts to, as follows:
- Send two digital copies in Word format (one with author identification and one without identification for review purposes)
- Include an abstract of no more than 150 words in a separate file.
- Include, for each author, institutional affiliation and degree(s).
- Include, for submitting author, phone number and email address.
All submitted manuscripts will be promptly acknowledged and processed in a timely fashion. The review process generally requires a minimum of three months, after which authors will be informed of the status of their submissions. Please note submissions may be rejected for failing to adhere to the guidelines above, or authors may be asked to revise and resubmit articles.
Article submissions will be accepted until December 1 for the spring issue.
Contact the Growth co-editors with any questions about the review process:
- Skip Trudeau, Taylor University,
- Austin Smith, Baylor University,

Scholarships and Grants
ACSD offers two conference scholarships and two grants:
- Multicultural Conference Scholarship
- Non Faith Based Institution Conference Scholarship
- Research Grants
Multicultural Conference Scholarship
Each year the Executive Committee of ACSD makes a limited number of scholarships for the annual conference available. The scholarships are provided in the amount of the registration fee for the conference. The sponsoring institution or member would be responsible for any additional conference expenses, pre-conferences, and travel expenses to the conference. ACSD values and supports our practitioners of color and each year the executive committee of ACSD makes a limited number of scholarships for the annual conference available to practitioners of color.
Scholarship applications will be accepted February 1st thru March 22nd. Recipients will be notified by March 31.
*To spread the impact of the funding, scholarships are one-time awards and repeat applicants will not be approved.
Non Faith Based Institution Conference Scholarship
Are you a Christian working at a non Christian institution? Each year the Executive Committee of ACSD makes a limited number of scholarships for the annual conference available to association members from non faith based institutions. The scholarships are provided in the amount of the registration fee for the conference. The sponsoring institution or member would be responsible for any additional conference expenses, pre-conferences, and travel expenses to the conference.
Scholarship applications will be accepted February 1st thru March 22nd. Recipients will be notified by March 31.
*To spread the impact of the funding, scholarships are one-time awards and repeat applicants will not be approved.
Research Grants
The Association for Christians in Student Development (ACSD) is an organization that is committed to scholarship and research that contributes to the field of student development, higher education, and the professional development of the membership. To encourage such endeavors the ACSD Executive committee has established a research grant program for use by the membership.
A limited number of research grants up to $750 will be awarded to qualifying individuals, as funds are available. Those interested in applying for the ACSD Research Grant must complete the application below. Grant applications will be considered throughout the year and successful applicants will be awarded funds on a first come first serve basis. A decision will be made within 30-45 days of the receipt of each application.
ACSD Research Grant Funding Guidelines:
- If an ACSD Research Grant is awarded, the researcher agrees to present their findings to the membership in the form of a workshop at an ACSD annual conference and/or an article for publication in the Growth Journal.
- The maximum funding for transcription services or participation incentives is $500
- Grants will not fund travel to participate in ACSD conferences
Aspirational Goals
- ACSD will prioritize research grant requests in the following categories:
- Research focused on the integration of faith and learning (Christ-animated student development) at ACSD institutions
- Research involving collaboration between professionals and students (graduate & undergraduate)
- Research involving multiple ACSD institutions
Regional and Collaborative Grants
The Association for Christians in Student Development (ACSD) has funds available to sponsor collaborative initiatives or regional gatherings for purposes that directly connect with ACSD’s values.
Members may apply for grants of up to $750 for large gatherings or $250 for smaller gatherings/initiatives. Applications will be reviewed/approved on a monthly basis by the executive committee. It may take up to six weeks to hear back on your application.
Grants should be used for collaborative initiatives or regional gatherings involving full-time professional staff members. Grant applications focused on undergraduate students will not be considered.